Preparing Me

The Lost Art of Troubleshooting

October 4, 2014 2

Troubleshooting:  a logical, systematic search for the source of a problem. We troubleshoot so the problem can be solved and we are operational again. There is something to be said about the ability to take a problem, break it apart into its pieces and step-by-step work out a solution. It’s a skill that I daily … Read more

Evening Before Morning

October 3, 2014 2

New is announced before it fully arrives Like a butler standing in the doorway, introducing the latest addition to the party… But it takes a minute for Old to finish it’s pleasantries, bid farewell and go. During that moment New waits patiently for my full attention. Put another way… In the evening New is declared … Read more

He’s Got This

October 2, 2014 1

It takes great trust while in the middle of what’s happening to know that something else is happening. – Michael Smith Early on this road to adoption, in a private overwhelmed moment, I cried out to the Lord, “This is way too much – too big. I refuse to pursue this further unless I know … Read more

Bringing Movement Back

October 1, 2014 1

Years ago I learned that a lion tamer holds a stool in his hand and points it at the lion for the sole purpose of splitting the beast’s focus. With the four legs of the stool pointing in his face, the lion is unsure what to attack first. So, while standing there in indecision, he … Read more

Preparing Me

September 30, 2014 2

Today the humidity lifted. For about a minute. I MIGHT have detected a slight coolness in the air in between the hot rain showers. And then it was over and summer lives on. But I refuse to despair. Because though my hair is still a fuzzy humid mess, I do declare a change is in … Read more