He’s Got This


It takes great trust while in the middle of what’s happening to know that something else is happening. – Michael Smith

Early on this road to adoption, in a private overwhelmed moment, I cried out to the Lord, “This is way too much – too big. I refuse to pursue this further unless I know YOU’VE got this.”

Time and time again, He has shown that yes, yes He does.

He’s got this.

In each and every season there is what happened and then there is what was actually happening. Heads down in the events, circumstances and the nitty gritty of the situation, hindsight is when we truly see what was going on all along – the deeper work – the why, and the meaning.

Its the forest for the trees. Its having the eyes to see. Its learning to lift our head and take in the view.

It’s the great trust, grown from a life that reflects honestly enough to see past faithfulness – a life that has the rest to face the current season without panic or paranoia.

I’m in the middle time, laboring to enter rest.

Everyday I think of my future children and there is so much more unknown than known. I want to know about them. I want to know where they are right now and what they are doing (I may or may not check the orphanage’s website everyday looking for more photos of them…) I wonder how they will feel when they are told we want to adopt them. I wonder what color I should paint their bedroom and if they will like living here. I wonder how I’m going to learn to cook Filipino food and what their personalities will be like. Are they shy? Are they happy? Are they passionate? Are they studious? And on, and on, and on.

This is a time requiring the trust in the One found faithful – A time where I must labor to enter into rest.

Now I’m smiling because I love this thought – taking the view from the higher peak. I’m trusting that the “rock that is higher than I”, that place I cannot reach on my own, is one I will be placed upon in the right time. And I love that He’s got this.

May all my preparations be laced with peace.


Learn more about our adoption and our efforts.

Picture Credit: Me! How do you like my fabulous sketching abilities?


Preparing-MeThis post is part of my series 31 Days of Preparing Me: forward preparations for life’s next season

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1 thought on “He’s Got This”

  1. What a testimony of truth! We all struggle with “letting him have it” even when we know He does.

    Love the stickman drawing. Makes a very good point of not making things so complicated. I think you should name him/her.


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