Leaving as Two but Returning as Four!

2015-08-02 16.29.28

It’s go time!

The adoption visas for our girls have come through and we are so pleased to be heading to the Philippines VERY soon to bring them home. With great joy and a bit of nervousness we are finalizing plans, travel arrangements, budgets, gifts, donations and packing up clothes. Thank you for being a part of this journey and for supporting us through it all. This is where the rubber meets the road.

My biggest prayer as we go is for the careful handling of the girl’s hearts as they make this ground shaking transition in their lives. I pray for wisdom and understanding for us as parents. I pray for peace and joy for them. I pray for lumpy details to be pounded out smooth. I pray for deep breathes and synced heartbeats.

How do you feel about messy?

A wise friend recently looked at me and said,

“I think this is going to be messy.
And I think that’s alright.”


I can’t think of any truer words. I needed to hear “messy” and “alright” in the same sentence. Even as the last few days in our planning have begun the messy, this morning I have purposed in my heart to respond with trust saying,

“It’s ok. Good things are happening.”

Lord, make our way straight and hide all our hearts in You.

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Look and Taste and See

By way of update, we have been exceedingly blessed by the provision of the Lord through this all. At this time we have about 95% of our budget (now over $30,000) in place. Simply wow. Look. Look, taste and see what the Lord has done!

Read more about Supporting our Adoption Costs…

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